How Reiki and I Met
In my healing work I encounter many individuals searching for meaning, peace, connection and healing. There are many who struggle to keep up with the outer world. They are doing all they need to do to get through yet another day, only to feel disconnected from themselves. I have been there. Today I wanted to share how Reiki and I met back in 2009. It was a time in my life when I was searching for a deeper connection. I was consumed by the pursuit of happiness which [...]
Finding Purpose and Meaning During Lockdown
Thanks to the lockdown we are currently in, I had time to go through stacks of old photographs. The many memories and experiences caused me to reflect on the times and people that have now become part of the past. The births, weddings, get togethers, travels, hospitalizations and loved ones that continue to evolve amongst us and those who have passed on. Each person, place and thing captured so beautifully to remind me of moments that have transpired until now. Each person in these photographs has been born [...]
Inner Peace Is Essential
Covid-19 is making its way around the globe impacting every individual in some way or another. We are all experiencing a collective energy of fear and uncertainty spreading around the globe to some extent. When I opened Shantee Healing exactly 7 months ago, my intention was to create a space for healing, connection and peace for people. Today, I must temporarily close my doors as we all must practice social-distancing and self-isolation to help put Covid-19 to sleep. I am hopeful that this time will serve us in [...]
Imagination – Manifestation – Gratitude
It has been a few months since Shantee Healing has taken form. Wow, what an amazing journey it has been so far! As a little girl I would imagine offering a place to the world where people came together for healing and peace, yet it felt cozy and intimate, just like home. Today, I find myself in this place, and the feeling I bask in is awe, and grace. As I take time to ponder on this creation and the journey so far, I wanted to offer gratitude [...]